Who wants sore feet?

Yeah, I didn't think I would see any hands raised to answer that question. The answer is simple, nobody wants sore feet. Yet, when it comes to wearing some types of designer shoes like heels or pumps, you may end up feeling like somebody was dancing on your feet all day and you missed the invitation to the party. It seems that women are more prone to sore feet primarily due to women's shoes like high heels, platform pumps and stilettos. While these types of footwear are image enhancing and fashionable, wearing them can lead up to sore feet.

There are some sore feet symptoms that you can look out for which can include hammer toe, discolored skin, bunions, corns, calluses, heel pain, and arch pain. Since most sore feet can be related to shoes, attention needs to paid to the type of shoes that are worn. If you have sore feet this issue should be treated immediately. If not there are chances that the pain will spread to the legs, hips, and back. This will only further aggravate the problem and aggravate you even more as well.

Causes of Sore Feet

* The foot is a very complex part of the body. The human foot has 26 bones, 33 joints and more than 100 tendons, muscles and ligaments. Given this, anything can go wrong at any given moment. Most peoples sore feet problems come from just normal wear and tear. I guess it's just a sign that you aren't young as you used to be or your feet have had a hard life.

Sore Feet Treatment

* Keep your toenails trimmed - longer toenails can result in pain when your toes are pressed up against the shoe, plus you don't want to cut any body with those things.

* Get pedicures - exfoliation isn't only for your face, exfoliate your feet too, especially the ball of your foot. This works miracles for calluses.

* Use a softening foot lotion to keep your feet well hydrated and soft.

* Put cushions and/or pads in your designer high heels and pumps.

* Don't wear high heels or pumps all day-everyday. Get yourself a nice pair of sandals, flats or slippers to slide on after you have worn heels or pumps. These feel awesome and very comfortable and are great for helping relieve stress from your feet.

* A nice soaking of the foot in a foot soak of your choice can do wonders for sore feet.

* Massage Balls are awesome, you roll the bottom of your foot back and forth on these and gets the blood flowing in your feet. These are great to use at work under your desk.

* Massaging your feet can help reduce the pain and stress by as much as 80%, even if you only have a few minutes out of your day; try to fit this in.

* To help swollen sore feet you can lift your feet up, this helps the blood and other fluid pooled in your feet and lower legs to flow back toward the heart

You can visit DivaShoeFetish.com for a great video on Treatment for Sore Feet

Posted in Labels: Posted by band indie malaya at 1:31 AM  


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